Keep calm and enjoy this warm Winter...try on your new biker leather jacket!

Dear all,
while our news feeds are filled with Coronavirus fears, it’s important to keep perspective and remain positive so this newsletter could go two ways. It could talk about the current outbreak or remain focus on art and culture and all things that we love about Italy.
Since we all know by now what we have to do I do believe we all need to regain more than a modicum of perspective. While the weather in Florence could have not been warmer, I have spent the last weeks in Palm Beach where it is warm but not as much as it should be!!
In the meantime we are getting ready here for the show in New York at The Surrey on March 28th, if you have not already done it, check your calendar and book with me or one of my stylists. Simply click on the images below or send an email to: Spring Summer Seasonal Show
If you like a sneak peek on some of the new creations, check this out: SS20SneakPeek
Well going back to Florence, here’s some uplifting news to give us something heartwarming to think about! A “wall of kindness” has appeared beneath the overpass that descends into piazza Alberti. Hung with clothes, shoes and bedding, donations make all the difference to someone who is without. Set up by the Social Street Bellariva group, the phrase to remember is “Take if you need, give if you can”. I think we all have things in our wardrobes that haven’t seen the light of day in years! An undeniable feel good factor to know that our ‘something old’ could be someone else's ‘something new’!
March marks several important anniversaries. The recently announced Dante Day is March 25, ahead of the 700th anniversary of the Supreme Poet’s death in 2021. I’ve always been so intrigued by the love story between Dante and Beatrice Portinari that is so pervasive throughout his sonnets and writing. On the subject of important women, another date for your calendars this month is International Women’s Day. While I encourage celebrating the influential women in your life EVERY day, it’s not a bad idea to have an annual reminder to boost those around us, and thank those both near and afar who improve our lives.
One of the biggest events on the arts calendar each year is the launch of a new exhibition at Palazzo Strozzi. The latest installation certainly doesn’t disappoint with a truly original series of works by Argentinian artist Tomás Saraceno focused on the very timely theme of the environment and using innovative subject matters like dust particles, spider webs and constellations!
I used to love Indiana Jones movies and imagined myself to be an intrepid archaeologist on the hunt for some great treasure. You can live out all those fantasies at the Tutankhamun: journey to eternity exhibition! Held at the Galleria delle Carrozze at Palazzo Medici Riccardi until June 2, you can even recreate the actual moment of Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb in the Valley of the Kings with a 3D technology virtual reality experience!
There’s a foodie focus in Florence this month too. The Firenze Bio and Terra Nuova festival is all about sustainability, so absolutely important. Making sure that what we eat comes from a local and eco-respectful place is a small way to contribute to the well-being of our world.
There’s so much to do out there I don’t even know where to start! Let’s step sunnily into the coming springtime and make the most of March.
See you soon!