I ma traveling all over between Firenze, New York and Palm Beach

Dear all,
Excuse me if I’m a little behind with the latest from Florence.
I ma traveling all over between Florence, New York and Palm Beach. The new Atelier on Worth Avenue is vibrant and Palm Beach is at full speed....the season is here now! I will be in Florence in 2 weeks we have the new collection arrival and the Spring Summer show in NYC round the corner. If you like to book your time with me or one of my super stylists team simply click on the images below or send an email to: Spring Summer Seasonal Show
You could say we’ve all been a bit distracted here as this week is one of the year’s splashiest for wine lovers – it’s officially anteprime season, when previews of the 2018 vintage come to Florence in full force.
This past weekend was the B2B stronghold Buy Wine, followed by Chianti Lovers, while the Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico will open its enviable Chianti Classico Collection event to the general public for the first time ever. If you’re in town and fancy a glass, get thee to the Stazione Leopolda for a taste (or five)!
Wine isn’t all we have going on: lovebirds and singles alike are surely aware that Valentine’s Day has just gone. If you happen to be in the Renaissance city for this romantic week, there’s plenty going on to get you in a loving mood. One of my favorite Tuscan capital traditions is the chance to enjoy a cocktail from the spectacular Torre di Arnolfo at Palazzo Vecchio – let’s just say it’s a step up (pun intended) from your average cocktail bar (book your spot by emailing info@muse.comune.fi.it).
For something even more glamorous and for a good cause, ANT -cancer research and prevention organization- is hosting a fundraising dinner in the luxe and lavish Palazzo Borghese on via Ghibellina/ The minimum donation to participate is 50 euro – quite the deal for a setting and dinner this divine!
If you’re not on the ground here but get your Tuscan fix from my tidbits, here’s one that will whet your appetite: it’s Carnival season and the bakeries are starting to show it.
Every neighborhood pasticceria and panificio seems to be swimming in "Frittelle di riso" (rice fritters) and "Cenci" (literally ‘rags’) essentially powdered sugar-dusted fried dough. They’re both rather easy to make in your own kitchen: may I recommend putting on a vibrant, Venetian-style mask and piling on the beads as you do it?
If you can’t be in Italy, you can still pretend you’re here. And FYI for those of you who are actually here: the Saturday and Sunday parades in Viareggio have officially hit the ground running. The spectacle is more than worth the train fare or car ride if you’re in Florence – witness the massive floats winding their way down the Liberty-style boardwalks and you’ll wonder why every weekend can’t be this celebratory. Still-forthcoming dates this year are Sunday 17, Saturday 23, Sunday March 3 and Fat Tuesday (‘martedì grasso’) on the 5th. Enjoy!
February in Florence has been a refreshing change from the cold, dark nights of January. The days are getting longer already and I can practically smell spring around the corner. On that note, we’ll have loads more to come in March including some exciting news for our stateside readers.
Stay tuned and have a festive February! See you all very soon in Florence, Palm Beach and in NYC for the Spring Summer show at The Surrey!!
Until next time....con affetto....Yours,